Conference PROCEEDINGS available HERE.
Paper “Status quo of computer-implemented inventions in Slovenia and EU” written by Urška Fric, Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto and Nina Tomić Starc, Agricultural Institute of Slovenia, has been selected for the best scientific paper. Congratulations!
Call for scientific papers on technology transfer and intellectual property
– Key inventions and their protection for the greater good
– Key trends in IP protection and TT
– Status and changes in national IP protection and TT situations during the last decade
– The main issues to be addressed in the SEE region to activate the IP protection and TT players
– The main differences between the SEE region and the rest of EU or the US/JP/AU
– National IP protection and TT networks: a profit or a hindrance
– Governmental support to IP protection and TT: ups and downs
– Governmental support vs institutional support of IP protection and TT
– IP and internal secret know-how: who prefers what and why
– Other, chosen by the contributor
Instruction for authors
The Program Committee calls for papers on the topics of the conference. The papers should not exceed four pages, and should be written in English. Papers written in program Microsoft Word must be made according to MS Word template. Preliminary Registration Form to be filled in by 10th of August. Final submission by 17th of August. The papers will be reviewed by the Programme Committee. The accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings with an ISBN, posted (open access) on the ITTC web page and presented by the authors at the conference.
Presentations of published papers will be organised in sessions depending on their topics. By default, the presentations shall be given in English. Time allocated for each presentation will be approximately 15 minutes (including discussion). The duration of the conference will depend on the number of accepted papers.
The presentations of the papers will be followed by the round table on IPR management in industry, chaired by Doc. Dr. Victor Cepoi, Faculty of Information Studies in Novo Mesto:
- mag. Mladen Vukmir, Vukmir and Associates, Zagreb, IPR management expert, patent attorney
- Mr. Gverino Ratoša, innovation in automotive industry, Hidria d. o. o.
- Mr. Drago Lemut, director, company Le-Tehnika d. o. o.
- Prof. dr. Alexsandru Marin, Director TTO, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest; EEN member, EU IPR Helpdesk Ambassador
Important dates
10 August 2020: Preliminary Registration Form (includes an Abstract)
17 August 2020: Submission deadline, PROLONGED: 31. 8. 2020
04 September 2020: Acceptance notification
21 September 2020: Deadline for revised papers
Scientific Review Programme Committee
Dr. Jeff Skinner, Executive Director of Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, London Business School
Dr. Jon Wulff Petersen, director, Technology Transfer, Plougmann Vingtoft
Niko Schlamberger, President of Slovenian Society INFORMATIKA
Doc. Dr. Tamara Besednjak Valič, Faculty of Information Studies in Novo Mesto

The round table is organised in cooperation with KnowING IPR project. KnowING IPR project is generally focused on the topic of technology transfer and specifically with the topic of management of intellectual property rights as a factor of innovation. To reach the aims of the project we are building an institutional platform (supported by online platform), where different stakeholders will be able to retrive information on importance of technology transfer, IP protection, opportunities arising from IP protection and on tools to properly manage own IP. The goal of the project is to improve cooperation SMEs and research institutions through empowerment of stakeholders with knowledge on recognition and utilization of IP protection.
Project co-funded by European Union Funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI).
Project website: