13th International Technology Transfer Conference 8th – 9th of October 2020 – VIRTUAL EVENT – registered participants get their individual GoToWebinar link to access the conference



Responses from the participants

“I would like to extend my congratulations on your International Technology Transfer Event. These types of sessions are very useful to share scientific and technological innovations among EU countries.”
– Maria del Mar, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain

“Najlepša hvala za povabilo in čestitke za uspešno izvedeno konferenco.”
– Katarina, Medicinska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, Slovenija

“It has been my pleasure as always. Let’s hope the next one is not virtual.”
– Jon, Plougmann Vingtoft, Denmark

“It was a pleasure to join the Conference and good to see that although all 4 members (of the committee) came from different backgrounds, we were quite unanimous on remarks and the decision with regards to the 6 teams. Best of luck to all the teams.”
– Mark, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

“Hvala za organizacijo srečanj 1na1! Želim samo sporočiti, da sem se uspel dobiti na video klicu z štirimi kontakti in, da je platforma b2match.io delovala zelo dobro.”
– Jože, Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije, Slovenija

“Congratulations on your International Technology Transfer Conference. It was a pleasure to join the event.” Tomáš, Transport Research Center, Czech Republic 

“Hvala za možnost! Z veseljem ponovimo v 2021, če bo to le možno. Vedno je vsekakor zelo uspešno.” Blaž, Kemijski inštitut, Slovenija

Conference proceedings available here.

Paper “Status quo of computer-implemented inventions in Slovenia and EU” written by Urška Fric, Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto and Nina Tomić Starc, Agricultural Institute of Slovenia, has been selected for the best scientific paper. Congratulations!  

Videos are available on the CTT Youtube channel – here

Conference topic:
How to maximize the impact of technology transfer funnel at TTOs?

Objectives of the conference

Call for scientific papers on technology transfer and intellectual property

Conference Prize for the Best Innovation with commercial potential in 2020

WIPO IP Enterprise Trophy

WIPO Medal For Inventors

Research2Business meetings – R2B 

Opportunities arising from publicly funded research projects / presentations of successful scientific projects