Prof. ddr. Denis Đonlagić with Mr. Daren Tang, WIPO’s Director General (left) and Mrs. Karin Žvokelj, Director of the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (right).
Photo: Marjan Verč, Institut “Jožef Stefan”, 2023
Justification: Prof. ddr. Denis Đonlagić from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Maribor has been actively engaged in research work on the fields of laser diodes, fiber-optics, sensors, systems and apparatuses. In the last decade his research findings and innovations resulted in eleven granted patents with examination, where some of them are in possession of renowned international high-tech companies from Canada and USA, where one of them is operating through a subsidiary Lumentum Slovenia (former Optacore) on the Slovenian market with around 100 employees.
Besides the impact on the economy that has been looked at it is worth mentioning that the income from the partnering companies supported the development of Laboratory for electro optics and sensor systems at University of Maribor and allowed for employment of several young scientists.
About the Prize
The goal of the Medal is to award inventive and innovative activity of Slovenian public researchers and to recognize their contribution to national wealth and development.
Researchers from Slovenian public research organisations can apply via this link latest by the 5th of September / application deadline prolonged till 12th of September.
Info about the eligibility criteria and rating is available here.
Recipients of the WIPO awards from previous years can not apply again.
Evaluation commission members:
Alojz Barlič, Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (SIPO)
Nina Urbanič, Slovene Enterprise Fund
Christoph Kempf, IPEK – Institut für Produktentwicklung, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
More info about the WIPO Award Program