Presentations of successful scientific projects

Successful Slovenian scientific projects will be presented in short popular lectures. Presentations took place within the school section (parallel session).


Title Presenter Organisation
Didaktika kvantne mehanike za srednješolce prof. dr. Rok Žitko, doc. dr. Sergej Faletič
»Jožef Stefan« Institute and University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Umetna inteligenca 
Junoš Lukan, Nina Reščič
»Jožef Stefan« Institute

Pregled slovenskih študijskih programov s področja kemije okolja za različne ravni izobraževanja
doc. dr. Janja Vidmar, Jan Hočevar, mag. kem., prof. dr. Ester Heath
»Jožef Stefan« Institute and University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
Imunokastracija pri odraslih merjascih kot model za pozni hipogonadizem* doc. dr. Nina Batorek Lukač
The Agricultural Institute of Slovenia
Ogenj, ki je zajel Evropo. Narodni dom v Trstu 1920-2020* izr. prof. dr. Borut Klabjan, prof. dr. Gorazd Bajc
Science and Research Centre Koper and Department of History, University of Maribor, Faculty of Philosophy
Škofjeloški pasijon kot gradnik evropske kulturne zavesti* Jaša Drnovšek, dr. phil.
University of Maribor, Center for applicative research

*Excellent in Science is a project implemented by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS), a part of the promotion of science. It is a selection of the most visible achievements of the past years, made by the members of the Scientific Research Councils of individual sciences. Presentations marked with * were part of Excellent in Science in past year.